Friday, August 9, 2013

Action Research Plan Revisions

I received some interesting feedback on my action research blog.  I am researching the effectiveness of Promethean Boards on learning in the ELA classroom.  Kathleen Mansfield pointed out that interactive whiteboards are used by the teacher 85% of the time and that students have little interaction with the boards.  While this wasn't a suggestion for change to my ARP, I found this an interesting area to explore in my research. Joan Evans suggested I use surveys for qualitative data.  I do currently plan to use surveys; however, Joan’s suggestion was to ask students about their feelings towards interactive white boards.  I thought this was an interesting direction since teachers simply assume students like interacting with the IWBs. I have decided to include Joan’s questions in my student survey.  Likewise, Kathleen’s comment gave me something to ponder, and I plan research teacher versus student interaction with Promethean Boards.  Once again, blogging is a great tool for getting thoughts flowing.  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Effectiveness of Promethean Boards

Action Research Plan
Goal:  Increase student learning and engagement through the use of Promethean Boards in the English language arts classroom.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Obtain permission from site supervisor to conduct research

Rosemary Grimm

July 22, 2013-
July 26, 2013

Site supervisor letter of permission

Letter of permission

Participate in Promethean Activinstruction

Rosemary Grimm

August 5, 2013-August 8, 2013

Promethean technology, Promethean manual,
conversations with teaching and learning consultants

Documentation of resources and tools available through Promethean

Research articles and studies related to the effectiveness of Interactive White Boards on student learning

Rosemary Grimm

September 2013

Articles, journals, and studies related to Promethean Boards or Interactive White Boards (IWBs)

Notes on research

Give parents consent letters for participation in research group

Rosemary Grimm

October 2013

Sample parent consent letter

Consent letter

Use parent consent letters to determine participants

Rosemary Grimm

October 2013

Signed consent letters

Compile consent letters and create a list of participants in two classes (Class A and B)

Create a survey to determine students’ experience with Promethean Boards

Rosemary Grimm

October 2013

Website: Survey Monkey


Give survey to students

Rosemary Grimm

October 2013

Online survey, computers

Compile and analyze survey results as qualitative data. Results show experience with interactive learning with Promethean Boards

Develop ELA  lessons that are interactive and utilize Promethean technology

Rosemary Grimm

November 2013

Promethean resources, interactive websites, flip charts and tools, Common Core Curriculum

IWB technology lesson plans

Develop ELA lessons using traditional teaching strategies

Rosemary Grimm

November 2013

Workbooks, notes, outlines, worksheets

Traditional instruction lesson plans

Develop assessments

Rosemary Grimm

November 2013

Computer, curriculum assessments and task examples

Quizzes and performance task

Present instruction to participants in classes A and B

Rosemary Grimm

December 2013

Promethean Board, flip charts, interactive lessons, notes, outlines, and  worksheets

documentation of student engagement and instruction reflection

Give Assessments to  classes A and B

Rosemary Grimm

December 2013

Assessments and quizzes

Assessment results for analysis

Data analysis and comparison

Rosemary  Grimm

January 2014

Test results, jpams assessment graphs

Quantitative data:  Data results and comparisons

Write final action research report

Rosemary Grimm

February 2014

Surveys, consent forms, participant list, lesson plans, reflection notes,  assessments, data, graphs and charts

Action research report with conclusion

Share results with teachers, site supervisor, and technology coordinator

Rosemary Grimm

April 2014

Results and final report from action research

Feedback from teachers, site supervisor, and technology coordinator

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools

(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)